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A Pioneering Love Story

Two people leaning on a sign

( Junior years )

Rose was a trick-riding farm girl from Downey, California’s orange groves. After winning the Miss California title in 1956, she moved to New York to model, which naturally landed her in a bikini on a beach in Hawaii.

Person posing on a motorbike in swimwear

( The fateful moment )

She was to be tandem surfing in a cigarette commercial, but the male model on set was quickly found to be a flounder. So Rose danced down the beach in search of a replacement surf partner. Marc was an out of work professional surf bum who had previously (and misguidedly) owned a ski equipment store in downtown Los Angeles. Rose found him on a beach blanket, ready and able to surf tandem on cue, and a romance was born.

( Exploring the world )

They married and promptly spent every dollar they had on a year-long trip around the world. Marc almost lost Rose to the lure of the Moroccan desert (and then to an irresistible clavé beat in Havana). And Rose nearly lost Marc to chest-deep powder and apple strudel in the Swiss Alps. They returned without a dollar to their names, having resisted their respective siren calls.

Person stood on a car at the equator in Kenya

( A dream was born )

Some years later, Marc borrowed a suit, Rose put on a pair of coveralls, and they got to work on their first hotel project to welcome passionate travelers like themselves. They have been welcoming old friends and kind strangers (and bickering about fabric swatches) ever since.

( A bright future )

Today, Marc & Rose builds nests for friends (old and new) in our favorite nooks and crannies of the West… at strategic points along our best river-rafting, back-flipping, tandem-surfing, desert-dawning paths. As an extended family of adventurers, we welcome our guests through play, purpose, personalization, and sincerity.